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Christmas in the MultiversX

December is here and the year is almost over. There is one more thing to do, one more checkbox to tick: a charitable action. 

On a difficult year like this, yet another task might sound a bit too much. Well, this is what charity is about – going the extra mile – doing not only what’s needed for you, but adding something extra for the ones in need. 

We, at The Angels Community, focus on helping Orphans from Romania, so we have prepared a list of NGOs & Foundations that are doing exactly that:

NOTE: We will never ask for donations or organize fundraisings, so beware of scams that would use our name or mission to ask for anything. Everything we do is from our funds, with the purpose to raise awareness of charitable actions and the endless possibilities of doing good, if there’s a will for that. 

This is our first Christmas as a charitable project in the MultiversX. And so for you. 

So we launch a challenge for you, as an individual, as a team/project, or as a community. 

The challenge is to pick at least one NGO from the list, or other charitable projects of your choice, get in contact with them, visit them and make a donation, directly to them. You will change their lives. Or at least, bring some light for this Christmas. 

Donations and charity in general should be anonymous, as we should not expect anything in return. 

However, let’s set an example as a community of goodwill and share some proof, for others to follow your example and challenge others to do good as well. Like a snowball of happiness coming down the hill toward the ones in need.

We also have prizes: for individuals, teams/projects, and communities. 

The prizes come from us and our sponsors and will be announced in January 2023, as well as the drawn of the winners. We will not announce the prizes in advance, so we don’t end up having a giveaway instead of a charity challenge. This is not about the prize, but the unity of the individuals, teams, and communities from MultiversX and the great charitable actions we have achieved together. It is not about prizes, giveaways, angels, or NFTs. It is about humans helping other humans in need. 

Are you up for the challenge? 

Please fill up this form :

This challenge is fully decentralized, so it is up to you as an individual, team, or community who you’d like to challenge next. 

What you need to do:

  1. Fill in the form:
  2. Pick one charity NGO or other charitable cause and donate, visit them, and help them however you can. 
  3. Challenge other individuals or teams or communities to do the same

Timeline: 1 month, December 2022

In January 2023, we will gather all proofs from registered participants and will have a draw with rewards from our Sponsors.